Spring ahead, fall back.
Tonight is the night we lose an hour of sleep.
It's all that daylight savings stuff.
Of course, the sun will come up and go down at the time it's supposed to.
It doesn't care about a clock.
That's a human thing.
The sun is God's thing.
I wonder what the world would be like if we paid heed to God's things.
Would we have global warming?
Would we have passenger pigeons?
Would I have to wear ties to work?
If Adam had paid attention to God's things, I wouldn't have to wear a tie, or shoes, or underpants that bunch up in the wrong places.
I could run around naked.
With lots of other naked people.
And none of us would care.
Of course, I don't believe in Adam.
Not literally, anyway.
But I'll blame him anyway.
It's a Christian thing.
So I have to wear ties.
And turn my clock ahead one hour.
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